Friday, January 6, 2012

Armstar BodyGuard

Tiny Twine Box

Twine is a wireless module tightly integrated with a cloud-based service. The module has WiFi, on-board temperature and vibration sensors, and an expansion connector for other sensors. Power is supplied by the on-board micro USB or two AAA batteries. So what is this Twine Box for you may wonder? It basically allows you to monitor certain things that are happening at your place while your gone. Somebody is knocking at your door? You will get a tweet letting you know. Laundry done, same thing. $99.


Sunday, January 1, 2012


this is Society 6, these guys have it going on and they know what they’re doing. With a kick ass website and incredibly talented group of artists, the members of Society 6 have made optimal use of the “recently featured” updating system of running a website. Society 6 has separated themselves from the digital herd even further by how they market their work.

Featured on the site is an online store with most artists printed on canvas, lithographs and T-shirts. Mix this with there now strong presence at Urban Outfitters

Duffaluffagus Backpack

just wait

by dalton rochester

by dalton rochester