Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"life is the adventure of a lifetime/so dont spend a lifetime trying to live"- d.r's thought of the day 10/10/11

well my thoughts right now are everywhere,i probably wont sleep tonight. but maybe the people that actually appreciate my blog might want to know what im thinking.
`so as of lately ive been at my worst, completely lost. this blog may have had its last post 6 days ago...i let my mind get a hold over everything. my reality wasnt and is still not what id like. but "rome wasnt built in a day" _ that qoute will be tattooed on me soon. Today i heard this qoute and decided i still have life to live. i have to live for soooo many other people. i cant dissapoint.

"life is the adventure of a lifetime/so dont spend a lifetime trying to live"-dalton rochester

i will make it.

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