Sunday, January 16, 2011

Future ufo store plans,my goal and dream :)

Ok....sooo my dream is to have my own store.UFO on the front above the door...unidentified fly outfitters down the side.a funky color so itll stand out from all surrounding stores.not a bright color but a color that makes a statement.alright so in my    dream the inside is all white everything...except the floor looks like a star filled sky..all stars.and just have simple contemperary shelves for my products,im only gonna put about two of each item out on display.all about being simple.then benhind the cash regester will be my alien... in a oldschool looking light thing lol..idk lol but at the same time im gonna live above my store.and ill go to work everyday and be happy,thats what i want.the fame would be nice too but i just wanna be successful....oh and i wouldnt mind my store bein in los angeles or new york,,atlanta somewhere that fits me... LA!!!                        
but yeah i thought yall might think this was interesting...i have more but idk how to         describe it i could draw it though                                                                                

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