Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thought of the day::1/1811

ok well i woke up this morning.I had yet another dream about me having dreads.thats two days in a row.lol.ok then i got fly for school.got my black and yellow on. TAYLOR GANG lol.and was listening to kanyes new album in the car.i know most people dont like him but if u set back and look past the cockiness and ignorence hes a really creative,humble and inspirational guy,also very talented.i plan to be similar not just like but similar to him.Because i am my own person.if u asked me to describe myself i wouldnt be able to do it.cause i dont know how.the only way u would know is to have been right beside me through out all my life.been through all i been through experienced the new things ive enjoyed.maybe even then u wouldnt understand.i believe my mind is very complexed.i believe i will make it.call me cocky and too prideful but i just feel a spirit,it may be the holy spirit or maybe just something small.idk.but theres something more to me.i cant just end up ten years from talkin about "i wanted to be..or i was gonna be a designer or i planned on going to college" and workin some job everyday.i have too much talent.and so much more skill to gain.so idk i guess im just lettin yall into my life right now.take what u want from it.maybe u even relate..but yeah thought of the day!!

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